Cardiology Services in the Heart of Noosa
Provider #603706UH
Noosa Hearts Cardiology
Suite 101, Noosa Medical & Professional Centre
90 Goodchap Street
Inside Sunshine Coast Respiratory & Sleep Clinic
Immediately to the right behind Sullivan & Nicolaides pathology
Phone: 0417 535 845 (Closed Friday)
Fax: (07) 5319 3730
Email: admin@noosahearts.com.au
Consulting clinics: Tuesday & Thursday 9am-4pm
Stress exercise tests: Wednesdays 8.45am-2.30pm
Noosa Hearts Cardiology
Echocardiography and Holter Monitor Services
Professor Christian Hamilton-Craig provides cardiology expert-reported Echocardiography and Holter Monitor services (no consult required):
Echo and Holter available at:
Noosa Hospital - Suite 7, Noosaville
Bli Bli Clinic
Ochre Health Eumundi
Ochre Health Maleny
Ochre Health Caloundra
Ochre Health Sippy Downs
Gympie (Southside and Mary St medical)
Please send referrals by Medical Objects to Provider #603706UH, or contact the relevant site directly via phone/fax to make your booking:

About Noosa Hearts
Noosa Hearts cardiology has practice locations at the Noosa Hospital, Noosaville on the beautiful Sunshine Coast in Queensland.
Professor Christian Hamilton-Craig is the principal Cardiologist , as well as providing cardiac testing services at multiple sites across Sunshine Coast. He is an internationally recognised expert in cardiology and cardiac imaging and Professor of Cardiology at the University of Queensland and Griffith University.
He provides consultation services for general cardiology, cardiac risk assessment, lipid and cholesterol disorders, chest pain, acute coronary syndromes, and heart rhythm disorders. His expertise also includes assessment for Valvular heart disease (including minimally-invasive cardiac surgery and TAVI workup), Heart Failure and Adult Congenital Heart disease, assessment for percutaneous ASD/PFO closures, Sports Cardiology and Indigenous health.
He is the chief author of the CSANZ Position Statement on Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring and the Queensland representative on the Australian Atherosclerosis Society, and founding Chair of the RANZC/CSANZ Committee for Cardiac MRI Certification. He sits on the CSANZ Clinical Council, and is Past-President of the ANZCMR (www.anzcmr.org.au).
Cardiology Services available
General Cardiology consulting
Preventative Cardiology & Risk assessment
Echocardiography & Stress Echocardiography
Cardiac CT Angiography (CTCA)
Lipid / Cholesterol Disorders (Australian Atherosclerosis Society)
Valvular heart disease & Heart Failure
TAVI & structural heart disease assessment
Adult Congenital Cardiology
Sports Cardiology
Aviation Medicine (RAAF Specialist Reserve)
Cardiac MRI

Prof. Christian Hamilton-Craig
Consultant Cardiologist
Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Centre for Advanced Imaging
University of Queensland and Griffith University, Australia
Visiting Cardiologist, Noosa Hospital
Principal and Director, Noosa Hearts Cardiology
For information about Christian, please head to www.christianhamilton-craig.com.au